On enhanced ct scanning the density of renal medulla increased, the margin of renal calyces became indistinct.
Hepatic glycogen is the major storage site for the metabolic fuel for glucose-dependent organs such as erythrocytes, retina, renal medulla, and brain.
Results Calcium deposition in bilateral renal pyramids in 4 cases and scattered microcalculi in renal medulla and pelvis in 6 cases were accounted 62.5%(10/16);
结果16例中4例表现为双肾锥体钙盐沉积症,6例表现为髓质和肾盂散在性微小结石,二者共计10例,占6 2 .5 %。
Based on the above studies, we extended our work on microcirculation in the renal medulla to microcirculatory transport in the skin and haemodynamics in arteries.
Renal Cyst produced from renal Parenchyma, prominent on renal cortical surfaces, blue appearance, and also located in deep of renal cortical or medulla.
The kidney included renal corpuscle, renal tubules and lymphoid tissue, and it had no differentiation of cortex and medulla.
Renal TB usually begins in the cortex, but spreads to involve the medulla and collecting system.
The results suggest that the method can be used to study the microcirculation of renal inner medulla in vivo.
The results suggest that the method can be used to study the microcirculation of renal inner medulla in vivo.