Homologous degree of repetitive DNA sequences among different species reveals their evolutionary relationship in a certain degree.
The oligonucleotide probe LZF-I, which is synthesized by us, can form thehybrid molecules with the simple repetitive DNA of three species of fishes.
The difference is the amount of DNA that could be supported in the nucleus, not as repetitive copies of the same old genes, but as the raw material for new evolution.
Basically, this is telling us that biological structures like DNA actually offer some very reproducible, repetitive kinds of patterns that we can actually leverage in semiconductor processes.
EGR family members are transcriptional factors that contain three repetitive zinc finger DNA binding domains which bind to EGR response elements (er) to regulate target gene expression (1).
Noncoding DNA, containing introns, repetitive elements, and potentially active transposable elements, requires effective mechanisms for its long-term silencing.
Noncoding DNA, containing introns, repetitive elements, and potentially active transposable elements, requires effective mechanisms for its long-term silencing.