He neglected to reply to the letter.
I'm composing a formal reply to the letter.
We are writing in reply to your letter of April 5th, in which you asked for our advice concerning the marketing of motor-cycles in the western part of your country.
EXAMPLE: I wrote a letter of complaint to the huge company's president, but my letter was probably lost in the shuffle, and I never heard a reply from her.
Farsi teacher moderated it and it went something like this: You recited a verse from a poem and your opponent had sixty seconds to reply with a verse that began with the same letter that ended yours.
He wrote in his letter today that policy-makers "stand ready to expand or to reduce the extent of monetary stimulus" as needed, prompting Mr Osborne to reply that he welcomes the bank's "flexibility."
Linton did not reply to this, I believe; and, in a fortnight more, I got a long letter which I considered odd, coming from the pen of a bride just out of the honeymoon.
In reply to your letter of the 15th May, please send ten bales of our goods, marked 。 1-10, by rail as soon as possible to our address, and the other ninety bales afterwards by next steamer.
复贵公司5月15日来函,请将本公司的10包货物, 尽快用火车运来, 并请标注唛头。 1-10。
The mall gave no reply to our complaint letter.
First read the letter from the pop star, then write a reply to her.
In reply to your letter, we find your price out of line with the present market.
Jack: After you send the letter of inquiry, you should pay close attention not to miss any reply.
The letter is Bohr's reply to this defence.
'Sir,' he answered, 'Madame had not risen and was still asleep, but the moment she rings, the letter will be given to her and if there is a reply, it will be brought.
We look forward to your affirmative reply and will forward our control documents including the Fixed Number to your branches mentioned above upon receipt of your letter of consent.
Zhao read one letter, regardless of Huangfu regulation" to recover repair before the "expectations, only made a reply, left to continue.
赵壹读信后, 不顾皇甫规“追修前好”的期待,仅作了一封复信,继续扬长而去。
Before anyone could reply, the door opened and Mr Bold - wood came in. He greeted them all and handed the letter to Gabriel.
If this letter reaches you, I would like to meet you, just the two of us. If that is not possible, please send me a letter in reply.
In the reply to your letter of offer, we regret to say that our customers here find your price rather high and above the prevailing market level.
I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.
And then, today, I decided to reply to you if only because I did not want to leave you with the false impression that your perfidious letter is worth the paper on which it has been written.
The morning of Lucy Darleton's letter of reply to her friend Clara was fair before sunrise with luminous colours.
在露西、达尔顿给她的朋友克莱拉的回信应该到达的那天早晨, 日出之前,天气晴朗,天空中布满耀眼的彩霞。
I came because I haven't had time all day to reply to your letter, and I didn't want to leave you with the impression that I was cross with you.
Which makes it all the more touching when you see the 44-year-old businessman reply to a handwritten letter from a 7-year-old asking for a job.
In reply to your letter we are pleased to inform you that we have shown the sample to our buyer.
In reply to your letter we are pleased to inform you that we have shown the sample to our buyer.