The latest contribution to this feverish debate is a report released this week, called the "Gowers Review of Intellectual Property".
A report released last Friday by JPMorgan Chase was even blunter.
The figures are from a report released on Monday by the Arts Council of Finland.
A report released this week by Insite Security is sure to shake parents' confidence.
这周一份来自Insite Security公司的报告肯定会动摇家长的信心。
ON AUGUST 18th US News &World Report released its 2007 rankings of America's top colleges.
《美国新闻与世界报道(US News &World Report)》于8月18日刊登了2007年度美国名校的排名。
ON AUGUST 18th US News & World Report released its 2007 rankings of America's top colleges.
《美国新闻与世界报道(US News& World Report)》于8月18日刊登了2007年度美国名校的排名。
A media watchdog says in a report released Monday that 105 journalists were killed while working in 2010.
A similar line emerged from a report released last Friday by Tsinghua University's climate policy initiative.
Internet advertising rose in 2008, according to a report released Monday, but the growth is starting to flatten.
The recommendation is part of an 120-page report released Tuesday that Outlines steps to fight the national epidemic.
Iceland and three other Nordic countries lead the world in gender equality, according to a report released on Tuesday.
In a report released in January, it found that interchange fees in some European countries raised competitive "concerns".
A World Bank report released in March describes the severity of the shortage of nurses in the Caribbean and Latin America alone.
A WHO report released Monday says millions of people do not get the health care services they need because they cannot afford it.
World GDP growth will be 2.5 percent in 2008 and 0.9 percent for 2009, according to a report released by the World Bank on Tuesday.
Security accounted for 20 percent of technology spending last year and it's expected to rise, according to a report released Tuesday.
This success has been based on “a combination of good policies and good luck”, as the World Bank put it in a report released this week.
STIMULATING report released last week by the OECD, a think tank, attempts to measure people's well-being across 40 developed countries.
A STIMULATING report released last week by the OECD, a think tank, attempts to measure people's well-being across 40 developed countries.
The rapid growth of smartphones and electronic tablets is making the internet favourite for people seeking news, a report released today said。
The House committee met to discuss a summary report released last week by a White House panel that reviewed NASA's human space flight programme.
Bryun's flippant comments stand in stark contrast to a state report released last year that documented a sharp rise in Russians' alcohol consumption.
A report released earlier this month by Illinois's auditor, William Holland, highlighted some chronic glitches in the network of buses and commuter trains.
In an internal report released Wednesday, BP said the accident was the result of a complex series of mechanical failures, human judgments and engineering design.
The recent increase in flu cases, however, does not seem to have created much actual demand for garlic, Morgan Stanley Asia said in a research report released this week.
Oslo and London are the world's most expensive cities, while Zurich and Geneva residents have the highest buying power, according to a report released on last Wednesday.
Oslo and London are the world's most expensive cities, while Zurich and Geneva residents have the highest buying power, according to a report released on last Wednesday.