Define multiple report sections with data from multiple sources.
The report can be conveniently divided into three main sections.
This report will examine both in later sections.
There are two sections in the generated report: system statistics and AME statistics.
所生成的报告中包括两个部分:系统统计数据和AME 统计数据。
In the next sections, we will demonstrate how the deployed report can be used in different scenarios.
The report format includes an overview image of the map, single-page images of map sections, and descriptive details about the map and its elements.
The lock timeout report consists of four sections
The other sections in the Tprof report summary are similar to this one, so once you understand this section, interpreting the rest of the report should be straightforward.
The other sections in the Tprof report summary are a little more complicated, but are just variations on this theme. Below is an excerpt from the Process_Thread_Module_Symbol section
Each template provides a default report (as a Microsoft Word document) with empty sections and a corresponding table of contents (TOC).
In the following sections, learn about the major report formatting options supported by CLPPlus, with examples to help you get started.
Unnecessary C-sections are costlier than natural births and raise the risk of complications for the mother, said the report surveying nine Asian nations.
The researchers also report that overweight and obese women were more likely to have pregnancy complications and C-sections than normal-weight women.
Review other sections of the annual report and related regulatory filings before release and consider the accuracy and completeness of the information.
The proposal should be in the form of a report. It should contain the following sections and information, which form the central attributes of a research dissertation.
The template determines which sections a form or report will have and defines each section's dimensions.
The report is divided into sections and some sections are divided into subsections.
This is the longest section of the report, and may include the most sub-sections.
Scheduling the interview should proceed from the top down. Heads of departments or sections are usually interviewed before the employees who report to them.
Thee researchers also report that overweight and obese women were more likely to have pregnancy complications and C-sections than normal-weight women.
Creating a customised report format allows you to choose what combination of sections is presented in a bank report.
These newsletters update and report upon the work of SAA sections.
If long sections in the report are not green, project managers and development leads should determine the root of persistent problems.
The following sections report the findings for communication via fax, telephone, E-mail, and written letters.
I'm trying to integrate the different sections of my work into a single report.
ELEMENTS of the research PAPER the standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections.
These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.
这些段落可以打散成变化的分段,而且它们可以一种变化的方式来排列,但它们有规律地组成了 报告的核心。
These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.
这些段落可以打散成变化的分段,而且它们可以一种变化的方式来排列,但它们有规律地组成了 报告的核心。