If you try to set up a subscription for a report that USES integrated security, Reporting Services will return an error.
如果您试图为使用集成安全性的报表设置订阅,Reporting Services将会返回一个错误。
If you are not sure about the value of the report server URL, you can find it on Web Services URL page in Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
如果你不能确定报表服务器的URL,可以在报表服务配置管理器中的“WebServices URL”页中找到它。
I will be building a dashboard to demonstrate report integration, shown in Figure 3, using the sample reports that ship with Reporting Services.
我将使用Reporting Services附带的示例报表构建一个仪表板来演示报表集成,如图3所示。
If you don't specify a command, Reporting Services will look at the path you have specified and work out the appropriate action to take, such as rendering a report.
如果您没有指定命令,Reporting Services将查看您指定的路径并计算出要采取的适当操作,例如,呈现报表。
If you installed the sample reports during setup, you can open the report project (installed to \ Reporting Services \ Samples \ reports) and deploy it to your test server.
如果您在安装过程中安装了示例报表,您可以打开该报表项目(安装到\Reporting Services \Samples \Reports)并将其部署到测试服务器。
Reporting Services also has a set of built-in parameters that can be used to control how the report is displayed.
Reporting Services还有一组用于控制报表显示方式的内置参数。
As a Newbie for Reporting services, I have some confusion about setting up report services on my local dev machine.
As a Newbie for Reporting services, I have some confusion about setting up report services on my local dev machine.