But there are remaining issues from that pact, including parameters for India's reprocessing of nuclear fuel that originates in the United States.
The country has not achieved its goal of nuclear self-sufficiency by reprocessing spent fuel.
Most of the 30 countries that use nuclear power don't build their own enrichment or reprocessing facilities, instead buying fuel for their nuclear power plants from external suppliers.
Under its terms, the UAE passed a national law banning the construction of enrichment and reprocessing facilities in exchange for access to a reliable source of nuclear fuel.
Uranium and plutonium are most likely to find their way into weapons via the enrichment and reprocessing of fuel for nuclear power plants.
The instrument is suitable for determing of anions, alkali metals and alkali earth metals in nuclear fuel reprocessing solution and high level liquid waste.
The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is inevitably being questioned.
The flow of materials in the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mining through fuel reprocessing and waste disposal, is shown on the following Page.
Because of increasing burnup of power reactor, more advanced technologies should be applied in the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
Because of increasing burnup of power reactor, more advanced technologies should be applied in the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.