The hit ratios for data and index pages reflect the number of times a page request was handled by the buffer pool directly without requiring disk I/O.
Construction of the XML message for both the request and reply is handled — primarily by the construction of the appropriate meta-objects.
Requests can be handled natively by IIS—as are HTML pages, images, and other static content—or IIS can route the request to an ISAPI extension.
The web server takes advantage of the server's many cores to allow it to handle many simultaneous requests from the user, but each such request can often be handled by single-threaded code.
In the TSP network, it's important that the response to the Web service request is handled immediately after it is received by the container.
In the process, a rejected badge request is handled by having a human review the badge application and file a security incident report.
Because the final decision on a reservation request is now handled by RnRMgr, your expectations should now be that if you can save the reservation request, you are likely to get your request accepted.
The idea is to configure every local Portal Search identically so that any search request can be handled by any server in the cluster. The main drawbacks of this technique are that
其思想是对每一个本地PortalSearch 进行相同的配置,以便任何搜索请求可以由集群中的任何服务器来处理。
Obviously, your application needs to update the request header before it is handled by WebSphere Portal.
显然,应用程序需要在WebSphere Portal处理请求Header前对其进行更新。
URL rewriting is used to manipulate URL paths before the request is handled by the Web server.
As soon as a request is handled by an instance of Dispatcher service that service will first of all check the authentication status for the given session.
In the example above, any HTTP request to the /contact/{contactName}/department path would be handled by the getContactDepartment subresource locator.
在上述例子中,对 /contact/{contactName}/department路径的任何HTTP请求都将由 getContactDepartment 子资源定位器处理。
Relationships between entity beans (for example, to indicate that an errand request was made by a particular customer) are handled using associations.
Only a few resource types that clients request are handled directly by IIS.
If this is not the case — in other words, if any given request can potentially be handled by multiple machines — analyzing the log messages in different log files becomes more difficult.
If there is enough space in the heap to satisfy a memory request, it can be handled by the language runtime without kernel involvement.
Stateless -- all data associated with a given function is passed in and out on a single call, enabling any client request to be handled by any running instance in any order.
How can cases be handled that do not fit neatly into to the synchronous request-response pattern typically exposed by the object-oriented method pattern?
The ESB is based on a messaging model, so a request/response interaction is handled by two related one-way message flows -- one for the request and one for the response.
In most Ajax applications, each request to the server needs to be handled by a separate script — or at the very least, a single very large handler script needs to be written to redirect requests.
A request from the browser is initially handled by the controller servlet's service .
A request for the original application server, in this case WebSphere Portal, can be handled by any of the clones in the server group.
If it cannot, the request is examined by the next TAI in the list or, if the end of the list is reached, authentication is handled according to the method defined in the particular Web application.
If there is enough space in the heap to satisfy a memory request, it can be handled by the language runtime without kernel involvement.
If there is enough space in the heap to satisfy a memory request, it can be handled by the language runtime without kernel involvement.
The URI prefix for requests handled by this Web request module.
The framework defines strategy interfaces for all of the responsibilities which must be handled by a modern request-based framework.
By definition, this means that a customer's request is handled completely during the first call and by the first agent to answer the call.
By definition, this means that a customer's request is handled completely during the first call and by the first agent to answer the call.