Note that Apple's public opposition to the government's request is itself a hindrance to mass government intrusion.
Note: If creating a new agent exceeds this limit, then the connection is queued up and waits for the next available agent to service the request.
Note that between the last article and this one, in order to keep the file sizes relatively manageable, I've broken the request/response types out into their own file.
Note that the render link contains the complete set of render parameters for the next request, not only the modification with respect to the current render parameters.
Note that a synchronous request is processed on the calling class's thread.
Note: Since the URL might contain special characters, we have embedded it inside a CDATA section to prevent the request XML from becoming malformed.
Note that the profile UID from Listing 3 is included in the request path.
Note as well that the consumer does not use UDDI to find the request and reply queues.
Note that since the message format is XML, the content type in the HTTP header of the request is set to XML.
Note that a more realistic scenario might require additional processing of either the request or response or both.
The second thing to note is that the handler is designed to handle a single request.
Note the JNDI names for the request queue.
Note that you cannot supply request parameters in that fashion - pages will be invoked without (or with default) arguments.
One final note about rate limits: Clients are allowed 100 requests per hour, starting from their first request, not including POST updates.
关于速率限制还有最后一点要注意:允许客户机每小时发出 100 个请求,从他们的第一个请求开始,不包括POST更新。
Note that you simply replace the entry in the request, adding the file as the body of the POST request instead.
So far, all that we've done is request a copy of the buddy note information on the server.
This function is called when the server responds to your request for a copy of the buddy note information.
Note that the request headers are fairly large when compared with the response.
Note that the PDP does not change based on the type of request that needs to be serviced.
Note that the policy is more generic than the request.
Note that to support the spectrum of possible non-SOAP request types, the ESB must preserve the fidelity of the HTTP request and response.
Note there was no trace output, because no request was sent.
Note that in this sample application, the organizationId retrieved from the request is just an external representation used to simplify the input of original organization name information.
Note that IIS will only compress dynamic content when the HTTP request headers sent from the browser contain Accept-Encoding: gzip.
注意,只有在浏览器发送的HTTP请求头包含Accept - Encoding:gzip的情况下,IIS才会压缩动态内容。
Note that this HTTP request can be sent over SSL.
Note that this is an HTTP POST request.
Note that "uw" is the obfuscated variable h_isBeingEdited, which would be true if the current document is being displayed as part of a ?EditDocument request.
注意,"uw"是模糊变量 h_isBeingEdited,如果当前文档正作为 ?EditDocument请求的一部分显示,它将为真。
Note that the url child element directly corresponds to the url request parameter.
Note that command request here, where your request is a grep taking input from the subdirectory called input and placing the result in a subdirectory called output.
注意,这里的命令请求是一个grep,它从input子目录获取输入,把结果放在out put子目录中。
And note with due attention your request.