Work requests queued and waited for a worker thread to become available.
In the next step, the router correlates the queued requests to the available service policies, and possibly changes the request flow to meet the performance goals.
These queued requests are then processed one at a time by the job spooler.
The autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) is responsible for ensuring that requests are classified, prioritized, and queued before they are dispatched to their target application servers.
自动请求流管理器 (ARFM)负责确保在将请求发送给它们的目标应用服务器前,对它们进行分类、优先化和排队。
System deployment requests can be generated by multiple sources and accepted (queued) by the job spooler.
Note that 1000 users does not mean more concurrency, but rather more queued requests.
注意,1000 位用户并不意味着并发性更多,它仅表示队列请求更多。
When a thread pool is fully utilized, more concurrent requests to the Web container are queued.
Incoming requests (especially Web requests) can be queued in the AIO facility, rather than be rejected immediately if there are not enough threads available to service them.
In other words, silver requests will, on average, spend twice as much time being queued as gold requests, when there are insufficient resources to immediately service the request.
Script outputs the current routing information (target.xml file) and an indication of whether or not requests are being queued by the Autonomic request Flow Manager (ARFM).
jacl脚本输出当前路由信息(target . xml文件),并标明请求是否正在通过AutonomicRequestFlowManager (ARFM)排队。
If multiple threads attempt to lock a semaphore after the initial call above, they block and their requests are queued until the pthread_mutex_unlock call is performed.
如果多个线程在完成上面的初始调用后尝试锁定信号量,则这些线程会被阻塞,它们的请求进入队列,直到执行pthread _ mutex_unlock调用。
If you make several requests to your host, only two of them will go out (in parallel), and the others will be queued for even longer-than-usual delays.
In general, if two or more users access the file in write mode concurrently, the first user is granted write mode access to the file and the remaining users write mode access requests are queued.
There is a limit on the number of connections that can be queued up, after which any further connection requests are ignored.
The 51st request will be queued until one of the 50 requests is finished.
The goal of tuning the connection pool is to ensure that each thread that needs a connection to the database has one, and that requests are not queued up waiting to access the database.
Offers support for broadcast and queued modes of requests.
This means that both types of requests will spend some time in the queue, but the gold requests will be queued for proportionately less time.
Eventually, we determined that the I/O issue was caused by the way the ECKD volumes were being supported in Linux and how requests were being queued at the logical device level.
The outbound requests are processed by the request handler agent in a queued fashion, for which the Web service database has implemented such views as these.
NET performance counters for stats regarding queued requests and average wait times?
Performance drops off precipitously when requests are queued.
The number of read requests merged per second that were queued to the device.
The number of read requests merged per second that were queued to the device.