For using other security realms with the credential store, for example ones that use digital certificates, you need to implement the required callback handlers.
In your model, a service not only identifies the provided interface, but may also identify required interfaces (such as callback interfaces).
This file provides an implementation of all the methods defined in the remote interface, in addition to methods required by the application server (for example, callback methods).
This code also demonstrates one way to specify arguments to a callback: as an anonymous list, with a reference to the callback invoked as the first element, followed by the required parameters.
If your application does not need to know the result, then no callback method is required.
Not required as in the past realize special callback interface or extend the EJB type.
Sets notification that wait notification is required and prepares the callback method so it can be called more reliably when a wait occurs.
In the callback model, the WMI infrastructure expects the application to have methods that handle enumeration, binding and any other methods required to implement the functionality of the provider.
In the callback model, the WMI infrastructure expects the application to have methods that handle enumeration, binding and any other methods required to implement the functionality of the provider.