From this I can calculate the estimated required power.
But now many designers feel delicate how to select and calculate the required power load appropriately.
The paper introduces a method to compute helicopter required power in detail from engineering application.
The powder helix packing machine has the advantages of smaller required power, fast discharge speed and high discharge efficiency.
Path shrink parts sizes shrink, open and close the required power is reduced, at the same time expand the scope of application components.
Each group of gas discharge lamps are combined to form an organic whole; the required power levels can be easily selected based on needs, so as to realize high-power lighting of gas discharge lamps.
To boost the market value of efficiency, all new buildings are required to have an "energy pass" detailing power and heating consumption.
To some extent processing power or specific build strategies can reduce the time required, but by themselves they are unlikely to result in any significant change in the problem.
Assuming all requests cause equal load on the servers, this incoming rate enables the system to compute the required computing power needed to handle the demand.
After testing on a single node, boot all computers from the power off state so the flash takes place across all the required nodes.
So a good virtualization system has an ability to measure the cost of each different type of request in terms of computing power required to process the request.
The company manufactures power inverters necessary to convert the DC power generated by solar panels into the ac power required for most USES.
A Power run consisting of a single stream of queries is also required.
Zoos required hundreds of new animals a year -- now their suppliers were out of power, and the future of the game refuges from which the animals were taken was in doubt.
Tagging or folksonomy is a collaborative means of identifying information widgets to increase the power of any web site and searching required information in a faster way.
It appeared to us that a managed persistence solution was not required for our programming model, and we wanted to unleash the power of SQL without hiding it from the developer.
The kind of experiments required to test its notions demanded many cycles of a computer, at its full power, in a completely exploratory mode.
When extra power is required, the flywheel is connected to the car's rear wheels.
When that processing power is no longer required, the servers can just as easily be shut down and removed.
First there is the energy required to power giant wind machines all day long, not to mention the electricity needed to pump coolant around tubes laid under the sand.
Until now, they explained, an external source of electricity was required in order to power the process.
Serious computing power will be required to make sense of the torrent of data that the telescope will generate-up to 160 gigabits per second from each individual antenna.
重要的计算能力将须要弄懂望远镜产生的大量数据- - -每个天线每秒达到160千兆比特。
At the bottom of the output are the aggregate totals for both input power and processing time required to acquire the data.
An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is mandatory with MyISAM if uninterrupted operation is required.
The customary increase in processing power is required if you intend to use SoX on Win32, as this article demonstrates.
如果您打算在 Win32上使用SoX ,那么通常需要增加处理能力,如本文所演示。
Multiple network CARDS are required now in each server given the processing power of even small servers and the performance of WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
The real power of XProc is embodied in its standard library of required and optional steps, which perform a wide variety of tasks, such as.
Older versions of ActionScript (ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0) offered the power and flexibility required for creating rich Web applications.
ActionScript的老版本(ActionScript 1.0和2.0)提供了创建效果丰富的Web应用程序所需的功能和灵活性。
Fewer servers means less required space (minimizing the data center footprint) and less power for cooling (minimizing the carbon footprint).
The 500 speakers required the power of an entire district power plant.