In their very different ways, both of them do well in school, and both finish their work within the required time as well.
They were excited and required time to collect themselves.
What is the required time frame for carrying out the service project?
Complete 100% special assignment or projects from CRS Manager by required time.
After my dive I spent the required time in the decompression chamber, and went to bed.
But, because of my admission and certificate of time has more than embassy required time.
Site quality problems, technical services staff to be addressed within the required time to resolve.
Applicants must prepare relevant materials listed as followed, and submit to TUTE within the required time.
This "locker room talk" was not idle chatter, but a project that required time, effort and a certain kind of skill.
In other words, even though we arbitrarily doubled our mental estimates, we had consistently under-estimated the actual required time.
Article receiving: After finishing the race within required time, participants can receive food and drink by presenting the number bib.
Arrive in time service for spare parts. According to the required time limit of customer, different logistics services shall be adopted.
For this project I use the best option because I have the required time to spend with the render, you can check the render Settings in the image.
To select the optimal incubation time in the extent of required time, to stabilize the dose-response curve, our results were stable and reliable.
Time: Duration of the speech should be 15 seconds around the required time. Failure to meet the requirement will result in the deduction of points.
But we haven't talked with our contractors first, and it turned out that they were not able to supply the full merchandise within the required time slot.
To understand fully a particular scientific conclusion too often has required time with the specific computers where that conclusion was uniquely calculated.
Testing time: getting the test required time per each through stopwatch, estimate the required time for production, effective control of the production limitation.
For each region is not a required time, or in remote areas, or can not resist natural factors, the specific time by the logistics company or express company shall prevail!
Business owners should write up a clear description of duties the intern will be expected to perform, desirable qualifications, the required time commitment and whom to contact.
The only way college could be free is if the faculty and staff donated their time, the buildings required no maintenance, and campuses required no utilities.
By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna, the car's location can be pinned down within 100 meters.
The expert has therefore recommended that because the officers' time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted, the watch commander's approval no longer be required.
The expert has therefore recommended that because the officers' time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted, the watch commander's approval no longer be required.