A software engineering domain is a field of study that defines a set of common requirements, terminology, and functionality for any software program constructed to solve a problem in that field.
The testing at the research, development and engineering center in Massachusetts is expected to help shape future requirements for the HULC based on feedback from soldiers.
The whole design process is based on norms and standards for design, . engineering design results meet the design requirements.
Having been run on simulated experiments for many times, the designed device measures up to requirements of the relay function, which is of certain engineering value.
Adaptive Software Development (ASD) is an approach of software engineering for managing software project with changing requirements and short development cycle.
The Engineering Department is responsible for specifying packaging requirements and formulating storage and preservation standards.
The Engineering Department is responsible for formulating the technical requirements and standards of the customers supplied products, and if necessary, verifying and certificating the products.
For any special requirements which are not covered by the existing Quality System documents, the Engineering Manager is responsible for the preparation of a Quality Plan.
The engineering geological requirements for its dam foundation are less rigorous than for that of the conventional dam, and it is more adaptable to different conditions of dam foundation.
Analysis is made on the main three phases of the expense control for highway engineering, especially in the methods, contents, requirements and objects of each phase.
The method is proved to be meeting the requirements of Control Standard of Room Environmental Pollution for Civil Architecture Engineering GB50325-2001 through research.
Combining the quality management practice of engineering design, the objective understanding is presented for QMS requirements of ISO 9000 family of Standards.
结合工程设计质量管理实践,阐述了对ISO 9000族标准提出的质量管理体系要求的认识。
The geotechnical investigation of metro engineering is more complicated and often calls for special requirements, therefore its supervision is more necessary.
The result of simulation experiment indicates that this soft-sensing model is precise enough for getting good effect, and meets practical engineering requirements.
In reverse engineering, in order to meet the requirements for model reconstruction, it is often necessary to locate and merge the different view measured cloud data in a global coordinate system.
The Engineering Manager is responsible to update the List of Customer Special Requirements in a timely manner and maintain it for a long run.
The Engineering Manager is responsible to update the List of Customer Special Requirements in a timely manner and maintain it for a long run.