It specializes in an unusual kind of wafer, making it hard to share research and development costs with other companies.
Rising traffic acquisition costs added to higher research and development costs (as the company expands its platforms to offer new services).
In 1974, the Financial Accounting Standards Board determined that all research and development costs of internally developed patents are expensed as they are incurred.
This of course discounts research and development costs, which will be primarily borne by the private sector and be considered a sunk cost by 2025 and probably earlier.
The traditional method of testing is more complicated, mainly through specific experiments for testing, longer duration of the study, and research and development costs are high.
Without Rational Asset Manager, research and development costs would undoubtedly have been higher, perhaps even much higher, especially if it they had not discovered the existing model.
What's more, and to put it bluntly, it is hard to find any robot (given research and development costs and maintenance) which matches humans working on the global supply chain on a pure cost basis.
First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs, and develop global industry standards for cookstoves.
They typically have very high fixed costs of research and development and low marginal costs of adding additional users.
Siemens AG is combining its three global carrier divisions into one unit in an attempt to reduce costs in administration, sales and research and development.
These costs relate to product development, market research, process development and launch costs.
Virtual screening has not only speed the process of new drug research and development, but also reduces products costs gristly.
Each company will bear half the costs of research and development.
I type a global research and development of new drugs in the United States typically costs 8 to 10 billion U. S. dollars, and we only spent a few thousand yuan, which say that it is a miracle.
一个全球i类新药在美国的研发费用一般是8 ~ 10亿美元,而我们只用了几千万元人民币,这不能不说是个奇迹。
I type a global research and development of new drugs in the United States typically costs 8 to 10 billion U. S. dollars, and we only spent a few thousand yuan, which say that it is a miracle.
一个全球i类新药在美国的研发费用一般是8 ~ 10亿美元,而我们只用了几千万元人民币,这不能不说是个奇迹。