Other challenges include the need for more clinical trials and research to be carried out on paediatric medicines.
Simon Mills, an Olympic-class-ship historian who advised the divers, calls the find "very likely the most interesting piece of Titanic research to be carried out in the last 20 years."
Research suggesting humans are evolving has been carried out before, but this is believed to be the first that directly compares reproductive success of individuals with physiological changes.
Research carried out at the respected Harvard University in the US showed the brain to be hard at work during lucid dreams.
Experts who carried out the research at the universities of Bristol and Bangor expressed surprise at how quickly tastes could be dulled by exposure to sweet drinks.
"The research demonstrates how motivational it can be to gain a prestigious job title," said Paul Rapacioli, director of employment agency Reed's Internet service, which carried out the survey.
No comprehensive research has been carried out on the effects on UK coastal communities, but the number of deaths is expected to be much higher.
Research carried out at the respected Harvard University in the US showed the brain to be hard at work during lucid dreams.
The FITS files will be sent to the Kepler Scientific Operations Center (SOC) at Ames Research Center in California, where the science data analysis will be carried out.
Clinical research carried out in Asia is becoming increasingly important on the world stage, and this needs to be continued to reduce the burden of cancer in this region.
Research will be carried out prior to passengers setting foot on the tourist carriages, so that specific information can be passed out that can help guide the tourists.
UK researchers from the Medical research Council Reproductive Biology Unit in have previously carried out surveys showing that men would be willing to take a contraceptive pill if one was available.
The research will be carried out in three time periods: next January, from March to April and from August to September.
Finally, medical research should also be carried out to ceaselessly improve the potentiality of hospital first aid ability.
To be specific, it can be carried out in terms of three aspects, that is, research into effect history, hermeneutic history and influence history.
Further research is to be carried out on the "aerodynamic and kinematic consequences of this deployment," the researchers said.
There is a demand too for more research and development to be carried out to produce new branded products which can bring the industry away from producing commodity products.
A lot more research therefore needs to be carried out to scientifically test the effectiveness of olive oil as an ingredient that can protect against stroke.
But for the research of pipeline steel corrosion behavior in the western saline soil environments was rare, such kind of research is necessary to be carried out.
The author introduces the background of the rural energy problem and how the systematic software research of the problem to be carried out in China.
This code became the prototype of many later codes intended to assure that research involving human subjects would be carried out in an ethical manner.
To meet the demand of robot pinpoint, research must be carried out on inverse kinematics of robot and it's controlling problem and compensation for location error.
The study was carried out by investigators from Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research, and is to be published in the August issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Further research should be carried out to promote the understanding of the taping mechanisms and its long-term effect on shoulder and scapular dysfunction, injury prevention and sports performance.
However, many problems are still unresolved and more research needs to be carried out.
University moral education should pay enough attention to and play a specific role in the formation and research of credibility. Students' credibility should be carried out in a positive way.
高校德育工作 ,应重视对大学生诚信品德养成的关注和研究 ,并在其中发挥独特的功能。
University moral education should pay enough attention to and play a specific role in the formation and research of credibility. Students' credibility should be carried out in a positive way.
高校德育工作 ,应重视对大学生诚信品德养成的关注和研究 ,并在其中发挥独特的功能。