About 10% of Siberian tiger populations reside in China.
约有10 %的东北虎种群居住在中国。
Compared with other foreign artists who reside in China, what's your advantage?
Holders of Alien residence permits can reside in China within the validity period of residence permits, and can make multiple entries into China;
After graduation, she married to Mr. Zhu Wei, a Chinese citizen, became a "daughter-in-law" of China and chose to reside in China. The couple currently runs business in animation industry in China.
Foreigners at the age of 16 and upwards who reside or stay in China shall carry with them their passports for possible inspection by police.
Aliens who reside or stay in China and are 16 years of age or older must carry their residence permits or passports on them for examination by the police of foreign affairs when the occasion requires.
If relevant buy integrated movement to be finished smoothly, will run a group to reside China easily to enrich while, highest efficiency ground abounds the project of the company to lay in.
Article 25 Aliens at the age of 16 and upwards who reside or stay in China shall carry with their residence certificates or passports for possible examination by police in charge of foreign affairs.
Setting up a trust in New Zealand and transferring assets situated in China to the trust will be beneficial to those Chinese nationals who intend to migrate to New Zealand and reside here.
Aliens at the age of 16 and upwards who reside or stay in China shall carry with them their residence certificates or passport for possible examination by police in charge of foreign affairs.
Visa d: issued to aliens who are to reside permanently in China.
Tight sandstone gas resources are very affluent in the world; China also contains abundance of the reserves, and most of which reside in water drive gas reservoir.
Article 9 Aliens desiring to reside permanently in China shall, when applying for visas, present status-of-residence identification forms.
This position will reside in the Company China Beijing office.
This position will reside in the Company China Beijing office.