Objective: to study the effects of resistant starch (RS) on impaired glucose tolerance in rats induced by high sucrose diet.
The crystalline property of granular resistant starch(RS) was studied by X-ray diffractometer.
This starch is called resistant starch (RS) and many nutritionists think that it should be classified as a component of dietary fibre.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rapid visco analyser (RVA) were used to determine the application characteristics of resistant starch (RS) prepared from various starch sources.
The rice mutant enriched with resistant starch (RS), described as RS111, was induced from the elite hybrid rice restorer line R7954.
从杂交水稻优异恢复系r 7954诱变筛选了1个富含抗性淀粉的突变体rs111。
The rice mutant enriched with resistant starch (RS), described as RS111, was induced from the elite hybrid rice restorer line R7954.
从杂交水稻优异恢复系r 7954诱变筛选了1个富含抗性淀粉的突变体rs111。