Four of them are common and cause respiratory illness such as mild flu.
It is responsible for childhood respiratory illness.
AIV causes mild to severe respiratory illness in chickens.
If a pet shows signs of respiratory illness, please contact your vet.
Vulnerability to respiratory illness and influenza will be high.
As of 2 November, 70 deaths from acute respiratory illness have been reported.
This number includes a woman who died of an acute respiratory illness on 16 February.
monitoring for unusual events, such as clusters of severe respiratory illness or death;
Visitors should be screened for symptoms of acute respiratory illness before entering the hospital.
Field investigations have not found any indications of respiratory illness in close contacts of the patient.
News of an outbreak of severe respiratory illness in Mexico burst into public consciousness last Friday, April 24.
The number of children suffering from respiratory illness have doubled this winter in Guangdong province alone.
In addition, the low-pathogenic H9N2 strain (Asian lineage) has caused a few human cases of mild respiratory illness.
此外,低致病性H9N 2毒株(亚洲系)也引发了人间少数轻微呼吸道疾病病例。
Results: The respiratory illness produced a mean of 5 points loss quality of life or 19% loss in every patient(P<0.01).
结果:生病前后平均每个患者生命质量指数的损失值为5(P<0 .0 1) ,即生命质量损失19%。
Those with positive outlooks reported fewer cold symptoms and were more resistant to developing an upper respiratory illness.
The case's five-year-old daughter was sick with a respiratory illness in the days preceding the onset of illness in the confirmed case.
Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common.
The people who live in the hills and hollows of central Appalachia face high rates of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and respiratory illness.
In 1996 two former wrestlers about to gopublic with evidence died of a rare respiratory illness within hours of eachother (no wrongdoing was found).
The Ministry of Health has further informed WHO of a third human case of respiratory illness that is under investigation for possible H5N1 infection.
Once children have a serious respiratory illness, they need appropriate care by a trained health provider, including access to antibiotics and oxygen.
Millions of others face a heightened risk of lifelong physical and mental problems including blindness, learning disabilities and respiratory illness.
Deaths from respiratory illness are known to have occurred in late July and early August, but no samples were taken and medical records are generally poor.
Work will initially begin in Lviv region, where reported Numbers of cases showing severe manifestations of acute respiratory illness have been especially high.
In fact, men who have anxiety disorders are also at greater risk for cardiac disorders, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory illness, asthma, and back pain.
What we have found is that there is a strong relationship between children who suffer lower respiratory illness early in life and the risk of them developing asthma later.
What we have found is that there is a strong relationship between children who suffer lower respiratory illness early in life and the risk of them developing asthma later.