No respondents would say that they had behaved fraudulently if they hadn't, but many, even on an anonymous questionnaire, might be expected to lie in the opposite direction.
As of last month, 43% of the it respondents said they felt social networking has no measurable business benefit and should only be allowed if it can be secured and controlled.
But female respondents saw no contradiction between this affirmation and the idea of rights and opportunities for women.
The most remarkable observation, shared by all the respondents, was that the single biggest barrier to professionalism was the inability of practitioners to say NO!
Racial and ethnic minority youth in the survey generally had no more mental disorders than did white respondents, with one exception.
In total, 87% of respondents basically said their time on Facebook at work had no business-related purpose.
Notably, only five percent of respondents indicated that they have had no barriers or challenges to adopt social media tools as an organization.
Over 60% of respondents seem to understand the basics, while 10% have no idea about ES6 and over 25% consider they understand ES6 really well.
超过60%的受访者似乎了解基本的概念。10% 的人对ES6毫不了解,有25% 的受访者认为他们非常了解ES6。
76% of respondents believe transaction failures "definitely" or "probably" result in the most profitable or important channels receiving no system priority over lower-value channels.
A survey at a BBS Tuesday showed that 39% of respondents predict "little Yao's" height will surpass 2m but no more than the father's 2.26m.
However, 86% of Australian respondents believe that moving to the cloud will either improve or have no impact on their security.
When asked to rate its importance for these issues on a scale where 1 equals "greatly affects" and 10 means "no effect", the respondents ranked corporate culture at 2.
In the UK, 63% of respondents said they have little or no respect for the banking sector, up from 36% in 2005.
Respondents to the survey who reported no difficulty in covering monthly expenses and bills increased 12 percentage points, to 48% in 2015 from 36% in 2009.
More than one in 10 of the 2,012 respondents said that they felt there was no point in learning foreign languages as everyone speaks English anyway.
In fact, 75 percent of respondents report taking no special actions such as furloughs, layoffs, hiring freezes or bonus suspensions in the last 18 months to control or reduce labor costs.
Less than half of 18-to-24-year-olds think they are completely straight and 43 per cent say they are somewhere in the middle, allowing for a few respondents who had no opinion.
Less than half of 18-to-24-year-olds think they are completely straight and 43 per cent say they are somewhere in the middle, allowing for a few respondents who had no opinion.