Some managers avoid delegating tasks and responsibility because they have become believers in any number of common delegation myths.
At work, delegating usually means handing on tasks and responsibility to a junior colleague (see here for some tips on delegating effectively).
Ambiguity is detrimental to a relationship especially when it comes to defining roles, delegating responsibility and setting goals.
Instead, we recommend the use of an optimistic locking strategy, delegating responsibility for concurrency control to appropriate application logic.
This might mean delegating responsibility for a project to someone else in your office, or even to an assistant.
Delegating responsibility is one of a manager's first priorities.
Thus, the skill of developing others, and the skill of delegating responsibility to others provides the pathway to ongoing advancement.
Start trusting people and start delegating responsibility – a big test of letting go of your need for control!
开始信任别人,开始委派责任- 这是放下你需要控制的一次大考验!
Start trusting people and start delegating responsibility – a big test of letting go of your need for control!
开始信任别人,开始委派责任- 这是放下你需要控制的一次大考验!