The Responsibility Matrix can be filled in using different approaches.
The Responsibility Matrix can therefore be hard to follow and understand.
We introduce two concepts: the Responsibility Matrix and the Artifact Flow.
This Responsibility Matrix is then used as the basis for discussion with the stakeholders.
We can fill in the Responsibility Matrix in one (or more) sessions, attended by all stakeholders.
The Responsibility Matrix does not use roles and artifacts that are familiar to the stakeholders.
We don't need a lot of knowledge of the business to support the creation of a Responsibility Matrix.
At the same time, however, the Responsibility Matrix is strongly rooted in the company's existing best practices.
The result of this approach is a Responsibility Matrix defined as much as possible in terms of RUP roles and artifacts.
The Responsibility Matrix facilitates the process of getting our development case right. It provides several advantages.
The Responsibility Matrix and the Artifact Flow give a concise, yet complete overview of the main parts of the development case.
After an explanation of the artifacts and roles, they can be shifted, renamed, or replaced, and responsibilities can be divided by completing the Responsibility Matrix.
The Responsibility Matrix can be used as part of the development case, to provide an overview of the main building blocks of the tailored RUP in a very concise and readable way.
The RUP consultant takes an educated guess regarding what RUP artifacts and roles are needed in the organization and fills in all the responsibilities in a Responsibility Matrix.
As soon as there is agreement upon which roles and artifacts to use, and how to call them, the RUP consultant can proceed by allocating responsibilities in the Responsibility Matrix.
During the process of creating the Responsibility Matrix, it is useful to map the artifacts and roles in the new Responsibility Matrix on their counterparts as used in the original company setup.
Then, expounds the important value of the application of 4d safety responsibility matrix in the project safety management. Finally, states the lack of this research and future research prospects.
The responsibility for building the model contents for the matrix is left to the provider of the XML.
Then, the WBS structure of aviation project is researched. The parameter calculating, the method of resource estimating, and responsibility assign matrix of the work package is provided.
The model of matrix structure can be constructed, configuration of research resources can be optimized, the main responsibility can be defined.
In sight of well defined power and responsibility of communication extend multidimensional probability distribution of matrix...
Responsibility Assignment Matrix is firstly used to simplify the scheduling problem, and then the combination of two sequence regulations is to solve the problem.
Matrix structure of project organization could make the authority and responsibility more clear, improving the ability of dealing with gusty accidents and enhancing the sense of finance crisis;
Matrix structure of project organization could make the authority and responsibility more clear, improving the ability of dealing with gusty accidents and enhancing the sense of finance crisis;