As district governor, you are responsible for overseeing the clubs in your district.
The district governor is ultimately responsible for overseeing the management of all district finances.
As district governor, you are responsible for overseeing the clubs in your district. You will work under the general supervision of the ri Board.
So far, so factual, and indeed, the body responsible for overseeing the curriculum requires 70 per cent of assessment to be on content and only 30 per cent on skills.
Responsible for overseeing the cleanliness, hygiene and maintenance of the kitchen and undertakes steps necessary to maintain the highest possible standards in this area.
And a poignant one for the White House staff, said Gary Walters, who retired in 2007 as the White House chief usher, the official responsible for overseeing the executive residence.
Baker Hughes assigns a dedicated wellsite coordinator and project manager responsible for overseeing the project, resulting in better execution efficiency and improved overall communications.
Management's focus on team enablement can be thought of as inward-facing, overseeing the personnel and operations for which management is responsible.
For the past five years, Dr Sambo was responsible for overseeing WHO's programme of technical cooperation with all the AFRO Member States as the Region's Director of programme Management.
The district is responsible for all aspects of the project's life cycle from planning, implementing, and overseeing expenditure of grant funds to providing a detailed final report.
Responsible for overseeing day-to-day safety and environmental programs involved with the management, use and disposal of hazardous materials and chemicals.
Quality Control Department is responsible for overseeing and inspection for the effects of influence on relevant parties.
District governors are responsible for approving and overseeing the process of starting a new club, including appointing a special representative to guide the organization of the club.
A: the district is responsible for all aspects of the project's life cycle from planning, implementing, and overseeing expenditure of grant funds to providing a detailed final report.
A: the district is responsible for all aspects of the project's life cycle from planning, implementing, and overseeing expenditure of grant funds to providing a detailed final report.