Who are responsible for the company, s advertising?
Responsible for the company and customer technical consultation.
Is responsible for the company VI, the demonstration system, and material system.
Work responsibility: Is responsible for the company electron primary device's purchase.
Be responsible for the company product's sale work in northwest region, complete a company the sale mission of the establishment.
Enter the start date and end date of the car pool, and then enter the EmplID of the person who is responsible for the company car.
As for a joint stock limited company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the shares they have subscribed to.
Cook, who joined Apple nearly 13 years ago and is otherwise responsible for the company's worldwide sales and operations, steered the company successfully the last time around.
We establishes the electronic commerce department and service network responsible for the company products attracting foreign investment and the cooperation of OEM service.
As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company.
The company asserts in a disclaimer that it won't be held responsible for the accuracy of information.
In spite of the fact that the company is responsible for all of its mail, especially valuable shipments are delivered in closed containers.
The company is also responsible for the control and signal processing software and radar system integration and test activities.
Harvey: My name is Harvey Judd, I'm the Chief Purchasing Officer with Hale and Hearty Foods. I'm responsible for finding new products for the company to sell.
Your CIO knows what the hot trends are because he or she is responsible for how the company spends its money on it services, and doesn't have money to waste.
The project is to be carried out under the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Communications (MOC) with an expressway company responsible for supervision of the expressway construction.
In creating the process map, Wilby also wants to be able to identify the departments in his company that are responsible for performing various activities.
Several years ago I was working for the company that had special Centres of Excellence (CoS) in IT and one Centre was responsible for SOA while another one - for the use of open source software.
几年前,我工作的公司在IT部门有一些特殊的卓越中心(Centerof Excellence, CoE),其中一个负责SOA,而另一负责开源软件的使用。
Scott Forstall, another senior vice President, leads the team responsible for the iPhone's operating system and other software.In a sign of his growing importance at the company, Mr.
The inability to restore from a backup in an emergency situation will have serious consequences for your company and probably for you as a DBA who is responsible for these tasks.
如果在紧急情况下无法从备份中还原,对于公司而言,会带来很严重的后果,对于负责这些任务的DBA 而言,后果可能也很严重。
The company was responsible for providing all IT infrastructure and network management.
That's why the company takes the whole sum at the very beginning and promises to be responsible for its client.
After every release, the company was responsible for providing the UML documentation.
The joint venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management.
The claim should be referred to the insurance company. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for it.
All these efforts will eventually be paid for by BP, the oil company which was operating Deepwater Horizon and is financially responsible for the damages.
BP(英国石油公司)将为以上所有的努力支付费用。 作为深海地平线平台的运营者,BP需要对这次事件造成的伤害负经济责任。
If you’re responsible for the direction of your online strategies for your company or organization, you’ve probably been asked by your colleagues to take a look at a social network.
But Mr Putin's casually thuggish comment, and the fuss that the deal has caused, point to an underlying problem for businesspeople: should a responsible company climb into bed with a dodgy one?
They believe that the employer is just as responsible for selling them on the company and the job as they are for selling themselves to the employer.
They believe that the employer is just as responsible for selling them on the company and the job as they are for selling themselves to the employer.