My company is only responsible for the organization work of the building.
To be responsible for the organization of investigations and handling of extremely large accidents.
Responsible for the organization of new staff and in-service staff training performance evaluation; e.
Responsible for the organization of ASPCA animal abuse investigation and verification of the law "and" the person punished.
To organize the study on major policies on work safety; to be responsible for the organization and administration of major research subjects of work safety.
Five job analysis. 1, shall be responsible for the organization department revised responsibility of the manual, and be responsible for preparing their jobs specification.
CEO equivalent to general manager, the main issue for the chairman of the board responsible for the organization and management of the department to complete the following.
Responsible for the organization of enterprise project engineering, unit engineering division of the check, put forward to the company responsible for the engineering pre-acceptance application.
Which organization, or role, in the enterprise is responsible for execution.
Depending on your organization, you as an architect are not ultimately responsible for the day-to-day management of the application development project.
Allow the team visibility at the highest levels of the organization and make them aware that they will present their ideas to senior staff and that they are responsible for the outcome.
The Enterprise Architect is responsible for the technical strategy of the organization and is the keeper of the SOA vision, which advocates think strategically, act tactically.
If you’re responsible for the direction of your online strategies for your company or organization, you’ve probably been asked by your colleagues to take a look at a social network.
After paying compensations from its risk fund, the relevant securities registration and settlement organization shall seek compensations from those who are responsible for the losses.
[an architect is] the person, team, or organization responsible for systems architecture. 1.
McCreary also stressed the importance of having individuals or teams within the organization that own the ontologies and are responsible for semantic precision.
ABC Bank has determined that the same organization unit that is responsible for processing personal loans will also process mortgage applications.
This capability provides the necessary tooling to allow the appropriate roles in the organization to define and manage the business capabilities and processes they are responsible for.
These large neurons, named for their shape, occur in parts of the human brain thought to be responsible for social organization, empathy, and intuitions about the feelings of others.
In this new role I will be responsible for leading the organization, for chairing the Executive Committee meetings, and for running the PMO.
We have added the architecture board, which consists of different architect roles, and serves as the body responsible for making long-term decisions on architecture in an organization.
Suppose you were responsible for maintaining a large software system that managed the payroll and personnel functions for your organization.
Last week, Kuwait's oil Minister Mohammad al-Olaim said while OPEC was willing to produce more oil if the market required it, the organization was not responsible for high prices.
Awlaki and his organization have been directly responsible for the deaths of many Yemeni citizens.
However, internal reviews and change processes, managed by the organization responsible for safeguarding the data, help prevent security misses.
A manager - one who is not responsible for a specific iteration's goals but is responsible to the organization - can suggest alternatives for a person to take on different responsibilities.
A manager - one who is not responsible for a specific iteration's goals but is responsible to the organization - can suggest alternatives for a person to take on different responsibilities.