Theory analysis, about effects caused by financial restatements of listed company.
Financial restatements will compromise the organizational legitimacy, enhance the company's audit risk.
If restatements are just bad news like negative earnings surprises, then why studying market reactions to restatements.
The insider report phenomenon "good news announces early, then the bad news announces lately" is obviously in publishing restatements.
Annual financial reports of Chinese listed companies also have many accounting errors, about 10% of the company each year have financial restatements.
And you have no restatements if the order is increasing or if the order is decreasing and it doesn't change the computation you all agree with me, okay?
Summaries that are mere restatements of the contest problem, or are a cut-and-paste boilerplate from the Introduction are generally considered to be weak.
We use the sample of Chinese listed companies to examine the governance reasons for financial restatements and the moderating effect of investor relations management.
The term "financial restatements" refers to the behavior that listed companies restate their previously published financial reports when they discover and correct errors of prior periods.
Unfortunately, the Illinois marketplace continues to be plagued by conflict-of-interest problems that lead to inaccurate audits, an upsurge in earnings restatements, and a loss of investor confidence.
Unfortunately, the Illinois marketplace continues to be plagued by conflict-of-interest problems that lead to inaccurate audits, an upsurge in earnings restatements, and a loss of investor confidence.