A multi-tier architecture for building RESTful Web services.
构建RESTful Web服务的多层架构。
It identifies the resource in the RESTful Web service server.
它标识RESTful Web服务服务器中的资源。
Resources are the key parts that compose a RESTful Web service.
资源是组成RESTful Web服务的关键部分。
In fact, a Web page does fit the profile of a RESTful Web service.
实际上,Web页面确实符合RESTful Web服务的配置文件。
Make it as easy to interoperate with server-side RESTful Web services.
允许与服务器端restful Web服务轻松互操作。
Next, create a RESTful web service resource using a root resource class.
接下来,使用根资源类创建一个RESTful web服务资源。
You should also recognize that not all RESTful Web services are the same.
您同样也应该意识到,并不是所有的RESTful Web服务都如出一辙。
The diagram in Figure 1 shows the interaction with a RESTful Web service.
RESTEasy and JAX-RS exist to help you write RESTful web services and clients.
RESTEasy和JAX - RS存在有助于你编写RESTful的web服务和客户端。
Listing 8 is an example of calling a RESTful web service using the Dojo Toolkit.
清单8是一个使用DojoToolkit调用RESTful web服务的示例。
In next section, learn how to write an Ajax client for this RESTful Web service.
As a guideline to design a RESTful Web service, you can follow these four steps.
Id is the id for the data item and is used to build RESTful Web service requests.
id是数据条目的id,用于构建RESTful Web服务请求。
RESTful web services offer some advantages: They are simple, lightweight, and fast.
RESTful Web服务提供了一些优势:简单、轻量级、快速。
Learn about the features in CA1S that simplify the creation of RESTful Web services.
The next step is to create a RESTful web service resource using a root resource class.
下一步是使用一个root资源类创建一个RESTful Web服务资源。
No authentication is required for either the browser interface or RESTful Web services.
Hopefully you discovered that RESTful Web services can be easy to understand and implement.
The application functionality is exposed as a RESTful Web service that USES CXF and Spring.
此应用程序的功能作为一个使用CXF和Spring的RESTful Web服务公开。
The former is the URI to identify the resource to request on the RESTful Web service server.
前者是标识RESTful Web服务服务器上要请求的资源的URI。
Developers can easily create rich interfaces by using Ajax and RESTful Web services together.
开发人员可以轻松使用Ajax和RESTful Web服务一起创建丰富的界面。
For instance, you can post plain text to a URL to call a post method on a RESTful Web service.
例如,可以将普通文本提交给URL以对一个RESTful Web服务调用POST方法。
Resource classes decide what will be exposed as RESTful Web services to the client applications.
资源类决定哪些内容将作为REST 风格的Web服务向客户机应用程序公开。
This allows RESTful Web services to be as simple as a document that is returned when a URL is accessed.
这使得RESTful Web服务可以像访问url时返回的文档一样简单。
In this article, you learned how to write a RESTful Web service using a servlet and an Ajax-based client.
It is a good tool to communicate with RESTful Web services because it can send content by any HTTP method.
这是一个与RESTful Web服务通讯的好工具,因为它可以通过任何HTTP方法发送内容。
Some additional guidelines to make note of while thinking about URI structure for a RESTful Web service are.
The two calls are used in the Web page to call the RESTful Web services and display the results in the page.
在Web页面中使用的两个调用会调用RESTful Web服务并在页面中显示结果。
The jQuery library also includes the post method, which you can use to post data to the RESTful Web service.
jquery库还包含post方法,它可以用于将数据提交给RESTful Web服务。
Now that you've imported the necessary libraries, you're nearly ready to write your first RESTful Web service.
现在已导入所需的库,基本可以编写第一个RESTful Web 服务了。