Surprisingly, use of 100% oxygen may be associated with more harm than benefit when a newborn requires resuscitation.
There is insufficient evidence at present on which to recommend a policy of using room air over 100% oxygen, or vice versa, for newborn resuscitation.
婴儿出生时使用空气与氧气复苏的比较 通常推荐100%氧气用作婴儿出生时复苏的气体。
Conclusions: new method of resuscitation for newborn infant should be popularized to prevent asphyxia emergence and reduce the incidence.
In newborn infants requiring resuscitation, does the use of room air reduce the incidence of death, neurological disability and short term morbidity when compared with the use of 100% oxygen?
In newborn infants requiring resuscitation, does the use of room air reduce the incidence of death, neurological disability and short term morbidity when compared with the use of 100% oxygen?