The zinc deficient rats had poor appetite and retarded growth.
In one study, 151 of 194 samples given this treatment showed retarded growth.
HIV positive women are much more likely to suffer from anemia and high blood pressure in pregnancy and deliver babies with lower birth weights and retarded growth.
By sucking sap from the young twigs of the hemlock tree, tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop prematurely.
High concentration of salt in soil causes ion imbalance, oxidative damage, water deficit and nutrient deficiency, which lead to molecular damage, growth retarded, and even death of plant.
Conclusions: The PIH syndrome had retarded the process of fetal growth and development, and associated with the severity of PIH, mostly involving the lung and the liver.
Secondly, if pollen tubes entered into stigma, growth was retarded with callose plug deposition, then they stopped to grow because of inhibition.
The Microsoft always claims that the prevalent piracy in China has retarded the growth in Microsoft's software sales.
The Microsoft always claims that the prevalent piracy in China has retarded the growth in Microsoft's software sales.