Briefly put, a file system is a clearly-defined method that the computer's operating system USES to store, catalog, and retrieve files.
So, for example, we've created a file transfer API that exposes the ability to send, retrieve files as well as browse remote file systems.
According to the file, you can write some client code to retrieve this information from the SOAP fault section.
Therefore, the database history is stored in an ASCII file and included in the backup image where we can retrieve and process it.
Enter a title or file name in the title or file name field to retrieve entries with the specified title or files with the specified name.
Besides enabling me to retrieve metadata about the RSS file, it provides a handy way to remove that information from the store.
Retrieve the related socket information (role,...) described in the XML file.
This service not only allows you to retrieve information about a book document in our bookstore, it also allows you to download the file containing the contents of one or more books.
BookDownloadUpload. Allows you to retrieve information about a book, including the file attachment.
In this new approach, I also need to retrieve the XSLT file from my own server.
In the content provider shown in Listing 7, you can retrieve data from an XML file or from a database using an adapter.
Retrieve the socket attributes as described in the XML file.
If using the above CSV file to retrieve a state name based on a state abbreviation, you can set up the lookup to use column 1 as the key column and column 0 as the value column.
In the grand scheme of things, that's it: Retrieve the file, transform it, and display the results.
Retrieve the content of a complete project as an XML file.
Retrieve the content of a single rule as an XML file.
Listing 10: Retrieve the ca certificate from the file system and extract the public key.
To retrieve the string and image from the resource file, you need to do the following.
Retrieve and manipulate the servlet context from the portlet configuration for dynamically accessing the Ajax servlet included in the portlet.war file.
检索并操作Portlet配置中的Servlet上下文,以便动态访问Portlet. war文件中包括的Ajax Servlet。
Figure 7 shows the critical portion of our example Data Access Object (DAO) code, demonstrating how to retrieve and reconstitute ACL information from strings stored in a properties file.
图7显示了示例数据访问对象(Data Access Object,DAO)代码的关键部分,并演示了如何从属性文件中存储的字符串检索和重新构建ACL信息。
To retrieve data from the ObjectGrid, run the following batch file from the command prompt
The processing layer will use the key provided by the simulator service to identify the Spring XML file to retrieve.
Both this method and the send method retrieve properties from a properties file called SNMPExit.XML that must be present in the current directory.
这个方法和send方法都从一个名为SNMPExit . XML的属性文件检索属性,该文件必须位于当前目录中。
To actually retrieve associated file changes after a fetch, you would use either the git pull or git rebase command.
The application USES the sitemap.xmap file to retrieve the XML source (in this case, the GetXML agent).
应用程序使用sitemap . xmap文件检索xml源(即GetXML代理程序)。
Within the simulator services layer, a "transaction" key is extracted from the request object, and will be used to determine the specific XML file to retrieve, consume, and return as a POJO response.
When the connector is passivated and the application server writes it to disk, an unauthorized party could go into the temporary file and retrieve the credentials.
但是,将解密后的 AuthBundle 存储到实例变量(_credentials)中,则是个错误的做法,在连接器被挂起以及应用服务器将其写入磁盘的过程中,未经身份验证的人就可能进入临时文件中检索凭证。
Restoring files is just as simple. You can either use S3Sync with the parameters reserved or retrieve an individual file through another tool, like Amazon S3 file Manager (see Resources).
Inside the home page, you need to retrieve the template value, store it, and use it to summon the request template (or CSS) file. Here's how you achieve this.
Browse and retrieve the file jmsclient.key (set file type to all files).
浏览并检索文件jmsclient . key(将文件类型设置为所有文件)。