The technical and economic analysis and economic efficiency prediction of different retrofitting method are analyzed with example.
Adding diaphragm is an effective and practical retrofitting method for enhancing the ice load-carrying capacity of transmission tower structures.
The paper studies the causes for fault occurrence of drainage system and introduces the improvement scheme of drainage system and retrofitting method of drain regulating valves.
Application of ground penetrating radar in projects indicates that its application in old cement concrete pavement retrofitting is feasible and it may overcome restriction by common inspection method.
Collapse-proof systems is a new method for seismic design and retrofitting, and the main purpose is to prevent the girders form falling off their supports.
Steel tubular pile underpinning technology is an effective method to develop underground space in retrofitting of existing buildings.
Abstract: Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is established to evaluate the target building, and by this method we can achieve maximum economic efficiency in retrofitting.
[摘要]重点对目标建筑制定模糊综合评价的判定方法,在经济条件允许的情况下利用该方法能使可进行改造的公共建筑类型达到经济效益最大化。 。
Abstract: Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is established to evaluate the target building, and by this method we can achieve maximum economic efficiency in retrofitting.
[摘要]重点对目标建筑制定模糊综合评价的判定方法,在经济条件允许的情况下利用该方法能使可进行改造的公共建筑类型达到经济效益最大化。 。