Key to realizing that return is controlling who has access to those services, and controlling how those who have access actually use those services.
The Return key selects the currently highlighted item.
And if you've never used those, they're usually above your Return key.
The hash code is an integer that should return a unique number of each unique key.
Using the key you can drop the membership, block and unblock datagrams from certain addresses, and return information about the group and channel.
It will simply return a value of 0 as the key to the trade order without changing the database.
Another reason that you aren't asked to confirm starting your car or buying groceries is that these operations are easy to undo. You just turn off the key or return the unwanted item.
Or you can use the space bar or the left and right arrow keys to move the highlight, and then press the return key.
The irony is, if you had used the element in the first place, pressing the Return key would have actually worked.
Pressing the Return key (shown between lines 130 and 131) simply continues listing from where the last list left off.
Seeming anomalies like these are troublesome, and at first glance, it may seem better to return to the "Key it my way or else" method of programming.
Without an index sarg, an index scan will use the index to access the data, but will return every key in the index.
Despite these examples, most words in the Metaphone algorithm return a single key.
The portlet implementation needs to make sure that there is proper backend access and cache update handling if the cache does not return the data when queried with a certain key.
Look up a key and return a specific value.
These methods return a list that contains the key or data values, respectively, within the calling dictionary.
When you're done, release the Shift key, and you return to the normal pointer.
For example, type connect and hit the return key, and you will see the source code used to connect to a MongoDB database.
Start the scala interpreter by typing scala and the return key on your command line.
Upon return, a key is created with a universally unique identifier or UUID, which is a String guaranteed to be unique.
Type something, for example "Hello World - a sticky note for my first prototype" and press the Escape key to exit the text editor (return just gives you a new line).
输入一些文字,例如“Hello world—asticky noteformyfirstprototype”,然后按esc键退出文本编辑器(按回车的话只会给你带来新的一行)。
Simply hit the Escape key, press:, type 2, 4! Tr 'a-z' 'a-z', and hit the Return key.
只要按一下escape键,然后按:键,再输入2,4 !tr' a -z ' ' a - z ',最后按一下return键。
Handle the Enter key: Instead of having an Add button, watch for users pressing the Enter or Return key by hooking onto the onkeydown event in the textarea.
Some frameworks also provide a series of standardized key codes that represent keyboard-based events (such as hitting the Escape key, Return key, cursor keys, and so forth).
If you forget a key ingredient, you have to return to the store.
Keep your portfolio costs to a minimum; this is key to maintaining a profitable rate of return.
This is the first time in India that customers can book return trips for train tickets, which we believe is a key differentiator in terms of features.
We named ours digital_foundations and pressed the Return key.
You can do this by holding Alt and the right arrow key (you can return to the LFS user by doing the same with the left directional button).