The board or the investment community focuses on strong, short-term returns on investment.
Underpinning the momentum are highly attractive returns on investment and sufficient funding for new projects.
Financial risks are divided into fund-raising risk, investment risk, the risk of the returns on investment, income distribution risk and exchange risk.
The question going forward, Christensen says, is which companies can move beyond their current pre-revenue stage and begin providing the kinds of returns on investment venture capital firms expect.
The returns on your investment should at least equal the cost of the investment.
The money must ultimately be raised from pinched taxpayers and consumers who will not see the returns on the new investment for years.
We want people who are maniacally focused on beating the markets, generating superior investment returns.
The returns on volunteer involvement take many forms, but the "assumption" prevails that when all costs and benefits are tallied, there is a positive return on the investment in volunteer involvement.
The impact of the residents' intertemporal choice of consumption and investment and their preferences on the asset returns has become an important research subject.
Not only have investment yields declined significantly on the back of negative stock market returns, but loss amounts are also increasing.
The stock investment is fraught with hazards. Its returns depend on the profit and loss of enterprise. The capital stock is not refundable in case of enterprise bankruptcy.
Academics have also suggested that investment decisions should be based on downside risk measures relative to target returns.
In this paper, we extend the previous research field, and examine the effect of overconfidence of investment fund manager on the returns and risk of investment fund.
In this paper, we extend the previous research field, and examine the effect of overconfidence of investment fund manager on the returns and risk of investment fund.