Our proposed approach strives to facilitate the use of those business similarities and turn them into reusable and extensible component or software patterns.
This article defines the timeline/milestone pattern and its behavior as a reusable software component.
While we might often think that we are going to write a reusable software component, the fact is that reuse implies use in the first place.
InfoQ: What are the best practices and "gotchas" that software architects should keep in mind when working on creating reusable component libraries?
Software component technology is the core technology that support software reuse, the design, development and use of reusable component can improve software quality, reduce development costs.
This paper particularly narrates three key technologies for developing flexible embedded software, which are arrangement technology, frameworks technology and reusable component technology.
Using the technology of reuse software is an effective way to solve software crisis. Software engineering based on reusable component is a major approach of reusing software.
The effective representation of reusable software component ensure to realize software-reuse successfully, and decrease reuse cost.
The use of component software technology improves quality and efficiency of embedded development, and the system is extendable and reusable.
Each software project has its own function requirements for logging systems, but they also have many in common, so it is feasible to design a flexible, reusable logging component.
The component technology of software can divide a complicated application system into several ones that are realizable, easy to develop and reusable.
One of the greatest challenges to component software is designing interfaces that are reusable, adaptable, flexible, and prepared for the future.
One of the greatest challenges to component software is designing interfaces that are reusable, adaptable, flexible, and prepared for the future.