List periods of employment in reverse chronological order.
I like to have the newest on top, so I sort them in reverse chronological order.
When you seek further details, go over the story in reverse chronological order.
Under each topic heading is a series of article summaries in reverse chronological order.
Pay attention to the resume format you use: chronological or reverse chronological order.
Education: Like work experience, education is often described in reverse chronological order.
This RSS file contains the most recent items from the participant weblogs, in reverse chronological order.
It maintains a list file that has one HTML table row for each Purify run so far, in reverse chronological order.
Work Experience: Begin with your most recent position and list earlier positions in reverse chronological order.
The below table lists, in reverse chronological order, the fireball reports received by the American Meteor Society.
Many people use reverse chronological order when listing dates; that is, start with the most recent date first and work backwards.
Later, blogs emerged into a collection of articles, usually in reverse chronological order, related to a specific topic. As Wikipedia puts it.
In both cases, what is shown is a list of change sets, in reverse chronological order according to when each was added to the workspace or stream.
You can go backwards and forwards through your command history (in reverse chronological order) using Control-P (previous command) and Control-N (next).
使用Control - P(上一个命令)和Control - n(下一个命令),您可以在命令历史记录中向后或向前移动(按反向的年代顺序)。
Then one should list his work experience, starting with the most current or the most recent position and continuing in reverse chronological order.
This includes making sure functions are listed in reverse chronological order and that C++ functions are de-mangled (meaning they are in :: format).
这包括确保以反时间次序列出函数,以及对 C++ 函数进行 de-mangled 处理(这意味着它们采用 ::格式)。
Shortened from "web log" a blog is a user-generated web site where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.
When you are listing any jobs you have had, it is common to do this in reverse chronological order listing your most recent job first and working backwards.
When you are listing any jobs you have had, it is common to do this in reverse chronological order; listing your most recent job first and working backwards.
Note that since weblog posts are traditionally listed in reverse chronological order (with most recent posts at the top), there is some ambiguity in the definition of "next page".
In the world of RSS-based syndication, a generally accepted practice is to implicitly order the items in the feed in a reverse chronological order from the creation date of those items.
Remember, you want to place the posts by those other users in reverse-chronological order (most recent on top).
If you pass this particular function a user id, it returns all the posts made by that user in reverse-chronological order, all bundled in a nice, multidimensional array.
If you pass this particular function a user id, it returns all the posts made by that user in reverse-chronological order, all bundled in a nice, multidimensional array.