There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company.
Unfortunately Mr Giannoulias's record offers rich pickings for Republicans.
But there will still be rich pickings in the extended continental shelf that is up for grabs by May 13th.
TO CONNOISSEURS of irony, who often find rich pickings in politics, last week's offering was a vintage one.
Like Portugal, Spain and Ireland will sell some crown jewels, and the buyers may find rich pickings in the rubble.
Rich pickings: Funding opportunities for R&D are plentiful in old member states, but for biotechs in many member states finding support can be harder.
Despite a body designed to hop along the ground many species in New Guinea have evolved to live in the forest canopy where there are rich pickings of food.
Despite a body designed to hop along the ground, many species in New Guinea have evolved to live in the forest canopy, where there are rich pickings of food.
Despite a body designed to hop along the ground, many species in New Guinea have evolved to live in the forest canopy, where there are rich pickings of food.