Kenya: WesternProvince, central and northern parts of Rift Valley province.
Pandya says about half the internally displaced people in the Rift Valley Province are children under age five.
Where all 333 cases were reported in North Eastern Province, 183 in Rift Valley Province, 141 in the Coast Province, 14 in Central Province, and 13 in the Eastern Province.
He and colleagues looked at more than 200 shod and unshod runners in the United States and the Rift Valley Province of Kenya, which is known for its great endurance runners.
As of 21 December 2006, the Ministry of Health, Kenya has reported 12 cases with 11 deaths of Rift Valley Fever in the North Eastern province in Kenya.
As of 12 January 2007, 220 suspected cases, including 82 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (case-fatality ratio 37.2%) have been reported in North Eastern Province and Coast Province, Kenya.
As of 12 January 2007, 220 suspected cases, including 82 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (case-fatality ratio 37.2%) have been reported in North Eastern Province and Coast Province, Kenya.