He suffered a hairline fracture of the right index finger.
Right index finger: singles, waiting for love.
Take your right index finger in your left hand.
A man lost his right index finger, but shot the world.
And there is always the avulsion fracture of his right index finger to consider.
He might never play again without wearing support for his damaged right index finger.
"Gouzi with right index finger in his left palm intimating wrote a 100, say: "new varieties! "
Well, it actually stung me - and I STILL have that tiny red mark on my inside right index finger.
Clubbers will be asked to have their right index finger scanned and show picture identification to register on the system.
Those new to this practice may begin by focusing upon a very small area of the body, such as the tip of the right index finger.
It was unclear whether Bryant would also have surgery on his right index finger or left ankle, both of which irritated him during the season.
He then scored at least 30 points in all four games against Utah and went so far as to call himself healthy, even though he also has arthritis in his right index finger.
接着他在与爵士的四场比赛中场场拿下30 +的分数,而他本人也认为自己已经恢复的健康,尽管他的右手食指仍然伴有关节炎的困扰。
My right index finger - the only digit precise enough to hit the close-set virtual iPhone keys - seemed an anemic, cerebral thing, designed for making paltry points in debating club.
Bryant put the protective splint back on his fractured right index finger at halftime and shot 3 for 7 in the third quarter before sitting out the fourth quarter of the Lakers' easy victory.
Say when you're at the front of C prime, your thumb points to the right, your index points up because that's where the surface is, and then your middle finger will point out.
The iconic imagery is complete as the young Maul, with right hand raised, signs the universal symbol for love; his index finger connects to a sunbeam and his penetrating gaze connects to ours.
After it was all over, the researchers used a flatbed scanner to measure everyone's right-hand index and ring fingers (" from the ventral proximal crease of the digit to the tip of the finger ").
The woman toughed her right knee with her index finger and yelled.
One index finger to control the left mouse button, middle finger to control the right mouse button.
To calculate the key measurement Dr Manning recommends photocopying the right hand and measuring the length of the index finger and ring finger, using accurate callipers.
The pope had been wounded in his stomach, right elbow and index finger of his left hand. He was transferred to an ambulance, which sped him to a hospital.
Hold out your right hand, keeping your fingers together. Compare the length of your index finger, with your ring finger, from the tip to the crease where it is attached to the hand.
For example, your right thumb will close off your right nostril while your right index or middle finger will close off your left nostril.
"It sort of floated toward me," said Ron, illustrating the movement with his free index finger, "right to my chest, and then - it just went straight through."
Thin waist right hand index finger and middle finger to his left ring finger pressing the acupuncture points, with good breath, repeat the 10 groups the right hand sooner or later.
Mickelson, who also had a sprained left index finger and sprained right wrist when the disease struck, went on to explain about the new treatment he is undergoing.
Mickelson, who also had a sprained left index finger and sprained right wrist when the disease struck, went on to explain about the new treatment he is undergoing.