There is no limit on the period of protection of the software developer's right of authorship.
Except the right of authorship, other rights in the author's spiritual rights are transferable.
This law for the first time affirmed citizens' and legal persons' right of authorship (copyright).
the right of authorship, that is, the right to claim authorship and to have the author's name indicated on his works;
Digital libraries, to avoid infringing, may adopt the collective management system for the right of authorship and administrative technologies of digital copyright.
Entries will not be returned to the participants, Participant owns the copyright, but the contest organizers and granting agency have the copyright except the right of authorship.
Article 15 the right of authorship, the right of revision and the right of keeping the integrity of the work shall, after the author dies, be protected by the inheritor or bequeathed.
The right to create derivative works (works based upon one or more pre-existing works and considered an original work of authorship).
The right to claim authorship of the work
It's important to resist placing a value outright on one option over the other, but instead to keep the distinction of authorship in mind in order to help match the right tool with a given situation.
The authorship right is an important personal right to author and is protected by law, with characteristic of non negotiability, perpetuity and irrevocability.
The authorship right is an important personal right to author and is protected by law, with characteristic of non negotiability, perpetuity and irrevocability.