Part iv: Thinking on perfecting personal information right of civil law system.
On the issue of the transformation mode of economics, there exist differences between the right of civil law and that of the economic law.
Then, from the Angle of Theory of property Right, Theory of property Right of Civil Law and Theory of Institutional Changes, the writer analyzes the real property registration system.
The trial or petit jury of 12 persons is used in trials of common law, both criminal and civil, except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law.
It is the right of reputation for civil subject but not the reputation itself that is under the protection of law.
Civil priority is the kind of right that when many civil rights with different types in the same property become concurrent, the law directly regulates specific civil right to exercise in prior.
The withdrawing right of the obligee is an ancient civil law system.
Thus, the provisions of jurisdiction objection are generally made to provide the litigants with a relief right to the wrong jurisdiction in the Codes of Civil Procedural Law in the world.
The abuse of intellectual property right is one of the practical expressions that "right is abused" on civil law, which is restricted by the law of intellectual property right.
Specific to China, China's civil law does not establish the right to refuse to testify relatives of the system by external influence and the reasons for the system itself.
The contract of ex right disposition should be regarded as effective in the future Civil Law of(China).
But it must obey the general law of the civil action taking litigants 'right of action as the basis of procedure construction.
The right of disposition of party concerned in civil procedure law is very important in civil procedure law and also it is an important right of the party concerned in civil litigation.
Petition right on property is an important concept of property right law in civil law system, providing the most direct protection for property right.
Then, it introduces and analyses the main content of neighboring right in Civil Law System, French Law, German Law and Japanese Law.
At the same time, through the analysis of the basic functions of general personal right, we made adequately theoretical preparation for establishing the right of personal information on civil Law.
As the theoretical foundation of system of the change of real right, the theory of juristic act of real right is created by civil law of Germany.
To control administration power and protect civil right through setting down an administrative procedural law became the need of administration by law.
There are also introduction about banker's right of setoff in common law and civil law, which are used to improve that in China.
The counterargument right of adduction is a nation of the science of civil law, but this kind of system not established in the science of negotiable instruments law.
The system of judge's interpretation right is the important system of the civil procedure in civil law countries, and be considered to have a pivotal role in China's civil procedure.
The organizers own the property right of sport tournaments in civil law.
The transferable endorsement of overdue bill should only produce the civil law effect of common creditor's right.
Part three: Succession of right of dwelling in Civil Law Country and Anglo-American Law System Country.
The thesis views that the Right to Birth is a basic personal right, and it belongs to the Right to Personality category in the field of civil law as a basic right.
Concerning the property, it defines water rights as new beneficial right of material in the civil law.
The General Princ iples of the Civil Law protects citizens' right to personal name, honor and portrait.
《民法通则》规定了公民的姓名权、 名誉权、肖像权等各种人格权。
Act of object right, as a basic civil right, is a very important part of Chinese civil law.
However, the legal property of personal information is general personality right, the protection of civil law should be the basis of legal protection of personal information.
The concept of civil right is the key concept of civil law discipline.