Do you wish to waive your right to examine this letter of recommendation?
The safeguard personnel have the right to examine every vehicle entering or exiting.
Shareholders have the right to examine the minutes of shareholders' meetings and the company's financial and accounting reports.
HKWDC has its own right to examine, select and finalize the application to cope with showcase theme and industry trend. Finalist will be notified in written format.
Every provincial branches of SAFE can authorize the city branches with the right to examine and approve the personal use of foreign exchange based on local circumstances.
Evaluating risks to decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself.
Veterinarians and others involved in the rescue rushed to New Jersey to examine a young Northern Right Whale found dead off Long Island hoping there would be clues to the sedation in an autopsy.
If we examine each attribute, especially the data portion (the part to the right of the equal sign), we can determine whether they actually represent data, or metadata.
Bring your old pair of running shoes with you; a knowledgeable salesperson can examine the way they're worn to see how your feet function and to determine which shoes might be right for you.
This printed out a series of "mv" commands that I could examine to make sure I was doing the right thing.
You also can select the frame that you want to examine by right-clicking it in the stack buffer.
你也可以在stack buffer中右键单击以选择你要查看的frame。
Forgiveness frees you from hate, forces you to examine your motives and demands that you give up the need to be always right.
All you can do is trying to examine yourself and do what you feel is right.
The examine is then directed to fix on the examiner's right eye.
You're not going to examine all the information that will tell you if the next job or company is right for you.
We examine afresh mill block —printed edition in Fukien , doing the fair evaluation to it, returning its real history facial expression, proceeding the right history fixed position.
The defendant would have the right to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against them.
Under this system, defendants and victims have no right to legal counsel and no opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.
Having tipped this huge pile of data into a hopper that sends it to the right program, you examine a screen image of the forest trail you'll be hiking on during your vacation.
He reserved the right to cross - examine witness.
So, let's begin to examine whether Aristotle is right, and in particular, whether his teleological way of thinking about justice is at odds with freedom.
After all, opponents will argue that flexible sigmoidoscopy is unable to examine the right colon, where nearly a third of the cancers arise.
I wanted to examine the impact on people's lives of chance opportunities, lucky breaks and being in the right place at the right time.
The right to accept and examine applications of units in earlier stages shall remain with the Market Supervision Office under the Beijing Communication Administration.
The right to accept and examine applications of units in earlier stages shall remain with the Market Supervision Office under the Beijing Communication Administration.