As we all know, punishment and violence seldom work and will never teach the children what the right way to act is.
But Oedipa jumps right into these conventional roles, and in that act comes to know more about the world in a way that these men cannot.
If you know you are right, act with courage and refuse to be intimidated, regardless of the risk.
According to the principle thesis, right to know is not so important as the thesis of the policy to Freedom of Information Act, even its status and function cannot be neglected.
Finally, if the Detective agencies act is guilty of a violation of a suspect's right to know is his resort to illegal evidence exclusion and other procedural sanctions.
We all have experienced this strange phenomenon in our life: we know what is right but we cannot act up to it;
We all have experienced this strange phenomenon in our life: we know what is right but we cannot act up to it;