The paper offers concept of vibration mill with double rigid bodies.
Both the vehicle and the concrete barrier are regarded as rigid bodies.
You can also add Jointsto rigid bodies to make the behavior more complex.
Kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems including rigid bodies in plane motion.
Lower and higher pairs Connections between rigid bodies consist of lower and higher pairs of elements.
The method USES discrete analytical surfaces to represent the surfaces between deformable and rigid bodies.
By using a body model of 15 segments and dynamics of rigid bodies, the astronaut's self rotation is modeled.
Mechanics Kinematics: trajectories, velocity, acceleration, motion of rigid bodies, change of reference frame.
There is often confusion between rigid bodies and their collision shapes in Chipmunk and how they relate to sprites.
The complex system stated in this paper is the coupling system of rigid bodies, flexible bodies and liquid filled containers.
Pulldownit! is a brand new dynamics solver which allows for the creation of fractures as well as massive rigid bodies simulations.
The discussion has served to emphasize the important role the inertia tensor plays in the discussion of the motion of rigid bodies.
To detect the collision between moving rigid bodies accurately and rapidly, a novel continuous collision detection algorithm was presented.
Most of the proposed control laws, from single rigid body attitude tracking to multiple rigid bodies attitude synchronization, are verified.
Secondly, a real number quaternion transformation is used to study the general motion of a rigid body and the relative motion of several rigid bodies;
Presents a space motion model (SMM) of multiple rigid bodies with varying mass for the description of the intercept problem of homing missiles with roll stabilization.
This thesis focuses on the rigid bodies of large-scale complex environment as the research target and emphasizes on the relevant problems of OBB collision detection algorithm.
This paper combines theoretical mechanics with computer, takes rigid spheres as an example to introduce the step and method of physical movement simulation of multi rigid bodies.
According to the body feature parameter of Chinese people, a pedestrian model consisting of 16 rigid bodies is built, in which the spring-damping structure is used for motion joints.
The specimen is divided into small elements using the concept of Voronoi polygons, and the elements are assumed to be the rigid bodies connected by the normal and tangential springs.
The paper deduces the general formulae of the sweet point about the rotation around a fixed point of rigid body, from the kinetic equation of it, and puts formulae to use for special rigid bodies.
The proposed controllers can achieve partial synchronization for the angular velocity with respect to the principal axes of inertia between angular velocity motions of the two rigid bodies discussed.
Wherever men appear they are crudely drawn and their bodies are elongated and rigid.
No-slip impact between bodies, inelastic, elastic, or rigid, is handled automatically by the method without resorting to a special contact algorithm.
This paper explores theoretically what happens in the limit when the small moving, contacting bodies can be considered to be rigid.
At first the dynamic model of the landsliding (forward model) is established on the assumption that the slope bodies are rigid.
A new double rigid-bodies vibration mill and coupling dynamics of rigid-bodies and bulks are also introduced.
A mechanism has been defined as "a combination of rigid or resistant bodies so formed and connected that they move upon each other with definite relative motion."
A mechanism has been defined as "a combination of rigid or resistant bodies so formed and connected that they move upon each other with definite relative motion."