In an ideal, risk-avoiding world, women would also start having babies young and have many more of them, both of which protect against breast cancer.
I don't want to put my grades at risk, but I'm afraid to face my friend about this, so I just keep avoiding the topic.
Avoiding foods high in fat, sugar, salt and calories, along with sugary drinks, can reduce the risk of cancer, as can limiting our consumption of meats, especially processed meats.
Avoiding risk should be of Paramount importance for any process dealing with production configuration or application changes.
For corporate officers it's all about protecting the the company and shareholder value, which includes avoiding the risk of litigation at all costs.
Avoiding risk factors and increasing protective factors may lower your risk but it does not mean that you will not get cancer.
Avoiding curvy roads or isolated rural routes is one easy way to cut way down on the risk.
If a finger pointing culture starts to emerge, it needs to be quashed quickly or it will poison the environment and lead to risk avoiding behaviors.
A failure to take risk or avoiding risk even though it would be within the organization's assumed risk appetite will lead to underperformance and a failure to optimize stakeholder value.
Children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are certainly more at risk of getting ill, and may be best off avoiding street eats.
More than 30% of cancer could be prevented by modifying or avoiding key risk factors, including.
Avoiding the closeness risk brings.
Security experts say avoiding PCs won't actively shield you from picking up a virus, but — at least for the time being — Apple users seem to be less at risk of becoming victims.
Program and project managers can manage demand and resources more effectively across projects, reducing risk and avoiding time-consuming manual reporting activities.
Good diet, exercise, avoiding smoking and reducing stress — perhaps through cutting working overtime at the office — may decrease the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
The advantage of RUTF is that it is a ready-to-use paste which does not need to be mixed with water, thereby avoiding the risk of bacterial proliferation in case of accidental contamination.
The risk-factor world holds out hope for avoiding cancer while recruiting masses of us into the anxious state of the “precancerous.”
Therefore, avoiding these drinks may have no effect on diabetes risk.
What is central is to change the risk environment of life of the mass through community construction, and to create systematized and socialized means of avoiding life risk.
Analysis of causes of bed an in commercial Banks and seeking strategy loan risk avoiding, has become the essential task to commercial Banks in China.
To avoiding the credit risk, securing all of the project assets is basic requirement, including the revenue-producing contracts.
Reducing risk means not smoking. It means controlling or avoiding diabetes. It also means keeping a healthy weight and eating healthy foods.
By concentrating on these aspects of risk, I suspect that investors would be considerably better served in avoiding the permanent impairment of their capital.
Our findings suggest that avoiding varus should substantially decrease the risk of postoperative failures.
This article expands the existing model of risk management according to its process, making use of the opportunity and avoiding the loss to attain the expected the goal.
I really am a contrarian at heart; for example, the easiest task is avoiding overnight risk.
This tool helps to identify the faulty end, thereby avoiding the risk of damaging a good connector by opening it.
And as for the cause of risk, the article have put forward Scientifically and efficiently specific strategy of guard protecting and avoiding risk.
Is there a risk in avoiding risk for younger patients with aortic valve disease?
Is there a risk in avoiding risk for younger patients with aortic valve disease?