Because the structural risk minimization principle makes SVM exhibit good generalization.
They USES Structural Risk Minimization and the kernel trick to solve the learning problems.
A linear programming model for the risk minimization of portfolios in which short selling is not allowed is al...
The SVM (support vector machines) is a classification technique based on the structural risk minimization principle.
SVM can solve small sample problems and has good generalization ability using the principles of structural risk minimization.
A linear programming model for the risk minimization of portfolios in which short selling is not allowed is also put forward.
We discuss the problem of portfolio investment with risk minimization subject to nonnegative investment proportional coefficient.
It can solve small samples learning problems better by using structural risk minimization in place of experiential risk minimization.
Secondly, on the basis of these bounds, the idea of the structural risk minimization principle based on birandom samples is presented.
It based on structural risk minimization can effectively solve the over study problem and the good extension and better classified accuracy.
It operates on a principle, called structural risk minimization, which aims to minimize the upper bound on the expected generalization error.
It based on structural risk minimization can effectively solve the over study problem and has the good extension and the better classified accuracy.
It is a new statistical study method in which the traditional empirical risk minimization principle is replaced by structural risk minimization principle.
Support vector machine (SVM) based on the structural risk minimization of statistical learning theory is a method of machine learning for small sample set.
Support vector machine is a learning technique based on the structural risk minimization principle as well as a new regression method with good generalization ability.
Compared with multivariate statistics and artificial neural networks, support vector machine based on structure risk minimization has better classification performance.
Structural risk minimization induce principle is used to control the bound on the value of achieved risk by controlling experiential risk and belief bound at the same time.
The difference between them is that the former is based on the structural risk minimization principle and the latter is based on the experiential risk minimization principle.
We use the theory of local risk minimization for incomplete markets to determine hedging strategies for equity-linked life insurance contracts with stochastic interest rates.
Support vector machine (SVM) is a new general learning machine, which analyzes the consistency of learning and speed of convergence from structure risk minimization principle.
An SVM-based recognition method for the safety of oil and gas pipeline was proposed due to limitation of the traditional learning methods based on empirical risk minimization.
Support vector machine (SVM) is a novel and powerful learning method which is derived based on statistical learning theory (SLT) and the structural risk minimization principle.
Using the absolute deviation as a risk measurement index, a novel absolute deviation optimal purchasing portfolio model for multiple markets is built in risk minimization target.
Support vector machines is a new statistical learning method based on structural risk minimization principle, and it has integrated theory and valid learning generalization ability.
Based on the structural risk minimization principle, the latest data mining method, support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, in artificial intelligence field was introduced in this paper.
It will increase the number of risk-management experts responsible for reviewing proposed and implemented risk Minimization Action Plans or risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS).
Because neural network is based upon empirical risk minimization and asymptotic theories, it is suitable to deal with situations where the amount of samples is tremendous and even infinite.
Based on the principle of construction risk minimization, the relations among the main variants are found out to yield a general rule which is then used to obtain the accurate optimizations.
The main advantage of SVM is that it can serve better in the processing of small-sample learning problems by the replacement of Experiential Risk Minimization by Structural Risk Minimization.
The main advantage of SVM is that it can serve better in the processing of small-sample learning problems by the replacement of Experiential Risk Minimization by Structural Risk Minimization.