The plasma PTX3 level provides important prognostic information for the risk stratification of patients with heart failure.
Conclusions - MPS provides effective risk stratification across the entire spectrum of renal function.
Using data from the PICARD multi-center cohort study of ARF in critically ill patients, we developed several predictive models for prognostic stratification and risk-adjustment.
We evaluated a sensitive troponin I assay for the early diagnosis and risk stratification of myocardial infarction.
Similar to the process of chest pain evaluation, the role of the ED clinician managing syncope has shifted from an effort to determine a specific diagnosis to that of risk stratification.
Many clinical trials have proven nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging may take a key role in diagnoses, risk stratification and management of coronary artery disease.
International Circulation: on the topic of risk stratification, there is also a new bleeding score that has been introduced, CRUSADE. What is your experience with this score?
Molecular genetic screening in negative autopsy cases can play an important role in explaining the cause of SCD and risk stratification of SCD.
TET is of clinical significance in diagnosis of coronary disease stratification of risk.
Carotid ultrasound is useful for the cardiovascular risk stratification of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results of a population-based study.
Can also according to the patients symptoms, electrocardiogram (ECG) and serum troponin t, I high or low, for risk stratification to identify the recent high or low risk of death or AMI.
TIMI risk scores were calculated for 7 variables and risk stratification of patients was done according to scores.
Objective To explore the value of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in the risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
The number of LMS cases is too small for stratification for risk assessment.
These include earlier presentation to hospital, earlier treatment following heart attack, better risk stratification, and reduced length of hospitalisation, " added Professor GAO."
But it is short of further exploration in the correlation between matrix metalloproteinase and CD40L or risk stratification and predicting the value of heart incidence in unstable angina.
但在不稳定性心绞痛患者中,基质金属蛋白酶的水平与CD 40l的相关性以及与不稳定性心绞痛患者的危险度分层、发生心脏事件的预测价值方面尚缺乏进一步的探索。
RESULTS By various risk-stratification approaches, 53-75% of participants were defined as having intermediate or high cardiovascular risk.
结果通过各种危险分层方法,53 ~ 75%的受试者被定义为具有中危或高危心血管风险。
Studies on BNP1-76 are concentrating on the evaluation of heart failure, risk stratification and prognosis of cardiovascular disease.
有关BNP1- 76在心血管疾病中的研究主要集中于评价心功能以及心血管疾病的预后等方面。
The diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of congestive heart failure, and the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndrome, have close ties with elevated blood levels of BNP.
Objective:To investigate the role of TIMI risk score in risk stratification and predicting outcomes in patients with unstable angina.
Objective:To investigate the role of TIMI risk score in risk stratification and predicting outcomes in patients with unstable angina.