Single gene index method and complex pollution indices method are used in this paper to evaluate the actuality of the water pollution in the watershed of the Futuan river.
Even though the content of pollutant in the water of Longjiang-river was diluted by seawater, the average water pollution index to the inlet of Fuqing bay is still as high as 3.2.
Based on the shortcoming of the method of average pollution index assessment, this paper put forward the method of active pollution index to assess the environment of polluted river water.
Water quality in Huainan part of Huaihe river is evaluated by comprehensive pollution index method according to dissolved oxygen etc indexes.
采用综合污染指数法,选择了对淮河淮南段水质影响较大的溶解氧、 高锰酸盐指数、生物需氧量等指标评价了淮河水质。
Water quality in Huainan part of Huaihe river is evaluated by comprehensive pollution index method according to dissolved oxygen etc indexes.
采用综合污染指数法,选择了对淮河淮南段水质影响较大的溶解氧、 高锰酸盐指数、生物需氧量等指标评价了淮河水质。