The information work is a part unable to separate with scientific research of rock and soil mechanics.
Acoustic tomography technique has a vast field for application in studying rock and soil mechanics and testing concrete quality.
The probabilistic model of rock and soil mechanics parameters affects the results and precision of reliability analysis and design.
Strain localization is a very important subject in rock and soil mechanics; the influence of strain localization on slope stability must be considered.
Soil mechanics, rock mechanics and engineering geology are the three basic courses for geotechnical engineering discipline.
The mine subsidence disaster discipline is the frontier crossing branch of science among geology, ecology, mining, rock soil mechanics, information science, management science and sociology.
The rock physics mechanics property is bad, weathering and the soil erosion are mightiness.
The wave' s dynamics parameters are detected to test rock' s and soil' s body engineering mechanics properties through wave' s transmitting in rock' s and soil' s body.
This thesis put up the freezing-thawing mechanics of soft rock basing on the frozen soil which has developed. The problems involved and proposed problems need to solve have all pointed out.
The size of the lateral pressure retaining wall is relative with soil and rock mechanics properties, wall, supporting structure form and displacement direction and size.
Statistic of the physics and mechanics index of soil and rock is a tedious and important work. Statistic by handiwork is easy to make mistake and is difficult to be checked.
Statistic of the physics and mechanics index of soil and rock is a tedious and important work. Statistic by handiwork is easy to make mistake and is difficult to be checked.