Saturn is the most inside rock core, its diameter is 2 million meters.
Quantitative relationship between measured permeability of rock core and horizontal stress is studied by regressive analytical technique.
Diametral point load test is a very promising, simple and accurate method for obtaining compressive and tensile strength data of rock core.
This article mostly introduces a method with which seven parameters of fractures and vugs can be calculated by imaging well logging through scanning rock core with imaging scanner.
This paper puts up that affecting experiment opposing water driving oil impact of storing floor horizontal heterogeneity character by means of savageness rock core in series combination.
Rock core experiments indicate that the plugging agent has some outstanding characteristics, such as, high intensity, good salt resistance and heat steadiness and easiness of being plugging solved.
A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal.
Computer simulations of this impact show that both of the objects would melt in the impact and the dense core of the impactor would fall as molten rock into the liquefied iron core of Earth.
The explanation may be in Earth's mantle, the layer of rock underlying the tectonic plates and extending down over 1,800 miles to the outer edge of Earth's iron core.
Devils Tower is a relic of the past, when the molten rock of the earth's core forced its way to the surface to form the throat of a volcano.
Because of its proximity to Earth's core, the rock at the base of the mantle is much hotter than rock in the upper mantle.
Plate movements are the surface expressions of motions in the mantle—the thick shell of rock that lies between Earth's crust and its metallic core.
I used rock maple for the core.
But a new look at Titan's insides reveals even more oddities: Beneath the brittle crust of ice lies a layer of slush. Deeper still is an underground ocean over a solid core of rock and ice.
Messenger's analysis of the surface rock, and of the gravity profile of the core, could help explain.
He sits on a chair in a windowless laboratory and cradles a large rock, or core, of jet-black flint in his left hand.
We think-but we are not sure-that the moon has a center core which includes molten rock, as the earth does.
Is there a polyurethane polystyrene core material can not be compared, it is not burning rock wool.
This allows the bit to drill around a central cylinder of rock, which is taken in through the bit and into the core barrel.
A new moon-rock study suggests the satellite has an iron core.
Observing the core with under microscope, the authors find the breccia as a kind of hydra-fracturing clastic rock forming the model of roklyfluidal dynamical.
The volcanic rock types in the study area have been classified by means of core, thin slice, scanning electron microscopy and geochemical analysis.
It is an important problem in oil and gas field exploration and development to determine the physical parameters of reservoir rocks, and core analysis is a basic way of obtaining reservoir rock data.
For example, any violation of the expected symmetry between hydrogen and antihydrogen would rock physics to its core.
Automatic lifting of shearer drum is one of key techniques of coal face automation, and its core is identification technique of coal and rock interface.
The formation and expanding of control fissure is the core of mechanism for perilous rock to develop.
And rock mechanical parameters are essential to the wellbore stability evaluation, so developing the model of rock mechanical parameters evaluation while drilling becomes core of the work.
The Youth Culture and Rock music as its core will be explored in the third part.
The Youth Culture and Rock music as its core will be explored in the third part.