Borlaug began work at a Rockefeller Foundation-funded project in Mexico to increase wheat production by developing higher-yielding varieties of the crop.
Maria Blair joined the Rockefeller Foundation in 2005.
After graduating from MIT, he worked at the Rockefeller Foundation.
The first Director of AGRA was Gary Toenniessen, a career program officer for Rockefeller Foundation.
She then produced a prepared summary of several years of Rockefeller Foundation reports praising my work as governor.
There are plans to create a global social stock exchange based in London by 2013, an initiative backed by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Earp-Thomas with the help of a Rockefeller Foundation grant and a team of researchers was able to study soil microbes all over the world.
The Rockefeller Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development are involved in the African Agricultural Technology Foundation.
McRae was waging a vigorous campaign and had a lot of friends and admirers around the state from his years of good work at the Rockefeller Foundation.
Giving money is the secret to most great wealthy families. That is why there are organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation.
It is in this context that the Rockefeller Foundation, in collaboration with TIME, conducted a landmark survey of gender issues to assess how individual Americans are reacting.
Wright (1927-1980) was Born in Martins Ferry, Ohio. He has published ten books of poetry and received a Rockefeller Foundation grant and the Pulitzer Prize for his Collected Poems.
赖特(1927- 1980)出生于俄亥俄州。曾出版十部诗集,获得洛克·菲勒基金会奖和普利策奖。
When you hear "philanthropy" you think of Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the other titans of industry that set aside some of their riches to help solve the world's challenges.
When you hear "philanthropy" you think of Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the other titans of industry that set aside some of their riches to help solve the world's challenges.